My love,If you ever ask me how many times you have crossed my mind, I would say once. Because you came, and never have always remained in my mind..and will never escape in My left something in My heart, You come & leave things behind! See now what you've left? You just came in my mind & left a strong feeling in my heart..thank you my have charmed me.thank you for the love you gave to me,don't worry they will bring the box to you,maybe it's long journey
วันเสาร์ 11:38
Hello my dear.How are you feeling to day?There is nobody,I want nobody,but i want you,i miss you.I would like to go with you,i will wait here for you.Thank you for the love you gave to me too.
I don't for get you.
วันเสาร์ 17:57
True Love is Intimate. Intimacy is a crucial component of all relationships, regardless of their nature. In order to know another, you need to share parts of yourself. This self-revealing behavior, when reciprocated, forms an emotional bond. Over time this bond strengthens and even evolves, so that two people merge closer and closer together. Intimacy by itself if is a great friendship, but compiled with the other things in life, it forms an equation for true love.a love that never lies,a love that never dies no matter what,a love that share pains and are my true soul mate who will see reason in my words and guide with all pleasure ...i can do anything for you.
วันเสาร์ 19:02
Hello my dear. Today you are?. I'm not comfortable, I was headache much. because the air is very hot right now, Thai country. but you don't need to be reminded, I wanted my wong medicine successfully. today you think I am? But I kick you.Health care, great I'm a wong. I love you bye.
5 ชั่วโมงที่แล้ว
Hello good moring my dear.How are you feeling to day? I miss and i love you
.Thank you for you can do anything for me,the leter we
unemployed talk.l love you too...
ประมาณ 1 ชั่วโมงที่แล้ว
peep-bo! mydear..
Why you to lose
silently,or you will
to make a stir.