Operating voltage:2.4V~5.5V for built-in regulator enable
2.0V~5.5V for built-in regulator disable
Built-in regulator with external enable/disable option
Stand-by current
At 3V, and sleep mode slow sampling rate 8Hz:
Internal regulator is enabled, the Stand-by current
=> Typical 2.5uA for 16 input keys
=> Typical 2.0uA for 8 input keys
Internal regulator is disabled, the Stand-by current
=> Typical 2.5uA for 16 input keys
=> Typical 2.0uA for 8 input keys
Provides to set 8 direct keys or 16 direct keys by option
Provides to set 8 separate outputs only for 8 direct input keys mode
Has two kinds of serial output interface, both can use for 8 and 16 direct input keys mode
Include 2-wires serial interface and I2
C-bus slave interface, they are selected by option
8 separate outputs can select output driving types by option
(CMOS/OD/OC with active high/low)
2-wires serial interface can select active high or low by option
Offer multi-key or single-key feature by option
Provides two kinds of sampling rate that slow sampling rate 8Hz
and fast sampling rate 64Hz at sleep mode
Have the maximum key-on time about 60sec by pin option
Sensitivity can adjust by the capacitance(1~50pF) outside
After power-on have about 0.5sec stable-time,
During the time do not touch the key pad, and all functions are disabled
Auto calibration for environment changing
And the re-calibration period is about 4.0sec, when all keys are not activated for fixed time