เมื่อ 29 พ.ค. 2015 3:13, "John William" เขียน ว่า: Excellent friend of mine,
How sweet, how sensitive to meet you in Skype. This brings me already very close to you as I can may be feel all the mentality of yours. My wish is to be a very good friend of yours .You deserve to be my heart' s friend and so I wish it to be.I know that my going out was so sudden and our discussion in chat that very time was so interesting and i did not want to lose it at all but sometimes you see there are some things in access my job for example -But I am very pleased, believe me, that you like to talk with me .You are really an exceptional woman, a combination of virtues, that I like to have as a true friend and I will do my best not to lose your friendship if you don't mind. As it is very correctly said we find anything we want in life but it is extremely difficult to find the people with understanding and possibilities like ours which can accept us as we happen to be.
This is a principle that only a few men or women have. Not to try to change their friend because they don't like some qualities on him/her. This is quite wrong. You accept the one you love and select to have beside you in a life time or you do not accept. It is the reason that many people have bad relationships.
I must say that i am a so sensitive man. I appear a much older man with all the strength and burning heart which is not yet spoiled, so clear and real, so unique and definite. Unbelievable you would like me so much and respect me. A Greek philosopher Socrates has said that "In our life we become two times a child, the first one from ignorance and the second from knowledge". And it is worth while if we arrive to the point of feeling clear and genuine as a child with conscience from knowledge and after experience.
I am sorry you cannot be in connection tonight. I think you must sleep early. Do not worry, we shall meet again. Most of the day my pc is open. So we will be chatting again. I thank you so much for a so loving acceptance of my friendship and I promise to keep it in high level as you deserve it.My personality is quite mature to keep it in the right position as yourself.
Wishing you in this point to have a very nice sleep and a good easy night, Regards;