0601.general instruction.when.the amount of turn is indicated by one two numerals giving
in ten of degree the turn relative to the present course.it is
advisable that consecutive turns by this method should not be made.after one such turn the next turn should be ordered for a specified direction with three
e.g turn stbd9;ship turn together 90degree to STBD.
turn stbd 120:ship turn together to the true bearing120 degree to stbd.
0602.turn together the number of tens of degree indicated or to the course indicated.ship turning to port/stbd.
e.g stbd :ship turn together 90degree to stbd.
turn together to bearing indicated or the course ibdicated ship turn to port/stbd.
e.g turn stbd120:ship turn together to turn bearing 120to stbd.
0603.restriction of turning.at night or in low visibility formation turn in excess of 90 degree should normally be executed in two or more increment by the delayed execution method.