Orff Applications for Targeted Behaviors
Targeted Areas Specific Behaviors Orff Applications
Sodal Taking turns Imitation, Solo/Ensemble playing
Following directions Ostinatos, Rhythmic dancing
Communication Using speech Chants, Speech ostinatos
Question-Answer skills Call and response activities
Motor imitation Body percussion imitation/ostinatos
Palmar grasp Mallet positioning and use
Cognitive Listening skills Rote teaching of ensemble parts
Recognizes name Myriad of name games and chants
Stress release Improvisation, Free movement
Self-control Creation choices, Participation level
Perception of self Verbal expression of self Create chants describing self
Body language presentation Mirroring movement to increase comfort
Name recognition Theme and variations: Child and
Reality awareness Sequencing of daily events information
Barred accompaniment to original song
Expression of feelings Improvisation, Composition, Singing
Distinguishing emotions Create work based on an emotion
Vision Visual tracking Reading charts for rhythms/text
Symbol/Letter discrimination Rondo activities using visuals
Auditory discrimination Environmental sounds in composition
Peer interaction Ensemble performance
Music Anything And everything!