In this paper, results of a survey on the use and effect of Internet
on Pakistani society are presented. The results suggest that, in
general, majority of the users do agree with the potential of the
Internet as informative source for general public and realize the
effort involved in effectively utilizing this valuable resource. The
survey shows that the ratio of users of Internet chatting is
significant; however they use it for a very small portion of time.
Very small amount of people do not chat at all. This could be
attributed to the lack of computer knowledge. In contrast,
Internet is emerged as a source of developing social contacts
among people and keeps friends and families in touch using
email facility. From survey, it appears that the Internet can be
proved helpful in understanding and familiarizing oneself with
other cultures. Internet also provides a platform for the
educationist to get updated on-line information with a single
keystroke. In addition, the Internet has enhanced their knowledge
as far as reading and research interests are concerned. As far as
teachers are concerned, majority of them think that the Internet
has helped them in collecting updated material for teaching in
their courses, and that the Internet has enhanced their knowledge
for teaching and research purposes.
5. CONCLUSIONSIn this paper, results of a survey on the use and effect of Interneton Pakistani society are presented. The results suggest that, ingeneral, majority of the users do agree with the potential of theInternet as informative source for general public and realize theeffort involved in effectively utilizing this valuable resource. Thesurvey shows that the ratio of users of Internet chatting issignificant; however they use it for a very small portion of time.Very small amount of people do not chat at all. This could beattributed to the lack of computer knowledge. In contrast,Internet is emerged as a source of developing social contactsamong people and keeps friends and families in touch usingemail facility. From survey, it appears that the Internet can beproved helpful in understanding and familiarizing oneself withother cultures. Internet also provides a platform for theeducationist to get updated on-line information with a singlekeystroke. In addition, the Internet has enhanced their knowledgeas far as reading and research interests are concerned. As far asteachers are concerned, majority of them think that the Internethas helped them in collecting updated material for teaching intheir courses, and that the Internet has enhanced their knowledgefor teaching and research purposes.
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