Here's a list of Iruna Online slanguage. Let me know of anything I should add/edit
Absolute Accuracy - Critical accuracy
Absolute Evasion - Evasion to critical attacks
AFAIK - As far as I know
AFK - away from keyboard, used when one isn't looking at their device for a period of time
Ailment R - Resistance to becoming paralyzed, poisoned, blinded, etc.
AOE - Area of effect
AR - Arrow Rain
AS - Autoskill
ASL - Age, sex, location. Something creeps ask
ASPD - Attack speed
ATK - Attack
ATM - at the moment
B - Buying
Barrier - The defense of a monster/boss that can not be penetrated unless hit by a certain minimum amount of damage
B.Coin - Black Coin
BC - Boss Colon
BCF - Black coral fragment
BEH - Bunny Ear Hat
BF - boyfriend
BK - Beast knight
BRB - (I'll) be right back
BRT - (I'll) be right there
BS - Backstab or b*******
Buff - A skill that enhances a player's performance such as Warcry or Bless
BW - Baum Warrior
Cast Defense - the defense of a player when casting a spell
CMIIW - Chop me if I'm wrong o.o
CSPD - Casting speed
D - Defense
DA - Double Attack
DC - disconnected, usually used when a player reconnects to the game after losing a signal
DCS - Dodge Charm Slot
DEF - Defense, reduces damage
DM - Desperate Move, a ninja skill
DMG - Damage
DoC - Dance of Clones, a ninja skill
DPR - Dark Priest Robe
DPS - Damage per second
Dunno - Don't know
EVA/AVD - Evasion or avoidance. Dodges normal attacks
Farming - When a user grinds a monster for a drop/exp
FC - force close (used when the app closes)
FG - False Grecia
FoC - Feather of Courage
FTW - for the win
G2G/GTG - (I've) got to go
GF - girlfriend
GM - Guild master or good morning
GN - Good night
GPC - Google Play Card
Hate - The likeliness of a monster/boss targeting you as opposed to others
HIT - Accuracy
HP - Health Points
HW - High Wizard
ID - Item delay, the time after consuming an item that affects you until you can consume another item
IDK - I don't know
IMO - in my opinion
JBF - Jet-black feather
JK - joking/just kidding
K - thousand
KO - stun or knockout
LFG - Looking for guild
LFM - Looking for party members
LFP - Looking for party
LMK - Let me know (when...)
LOL - laugh out loud
M - million
Magic Evasion - Evasion to magic attacks
Magic Pierce - Magic attack is increased depending on the enemy's defense
Magic Power - Magic attack that ignores the enemy's defense
MATK - Magic attack
MBO - Make best offer
MDEF - Magic Defense
Melee - a close-range attack
Mezza - Mezzaluna
MMORPG - Mass Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game
Mob - Monster or boss
MOD - Memory of Darkness
MOH - Memory of Heaven
MOW - Memory of War
MP - Magic Points
MP Consumption - The amount of MP used for a skill to be used
MQ - Main quest/mission
MSG - Message
Noob/n00b - new player, game novice
NPC - non-playable characters
NS - Non-slotted, no slot
OBO - Or best offer
OP - Over-powered or over-priced
OMW - on my way
Pally - Paladin
PC - Party coin or price check
PEE - Prophet Evil Eye
Physical Pierce - Physical attack is increased depending on the enemy's defense
Physical Power - Physical attack that ignores the enemy's defense (excludes double attack)
PLD - Paladin
PM - private message
POM - Piece of Map
Proc - the occasion of an autoskill triggering
Prod - Production
PT - Party
QC - Quick Cool
Range - the distance between you and a monster in which you are able to attack it
Range Cut - reduces the maximum distance between you and an enemy in which you are able to attack the enemy
Rate Cut - Reduces/Increases critical damage received.
Rate Relief - Reduces the damage received when monsters/bosses generate an attack based on HP percentage.
Recoil - Receive some of the damage you deal.
RN - right now
Reflect - Reflection of damage received
RRS - Rose Ring Slot
S - Slotted or selling
SB - Spellburst or Spellboost
SD - Skill delay, the time after casting a spell that affects you until you can cast again
SH - speed hack
Sin - Assassin
SPC - Super party coin
SQ - Special quest, scenario quest, or skill quest
SS - Screenshot
SSPD - Skill speed, the rate at which a spell can be cast
Tank - party member in charge of keeping a mob's aggression so others may attack
TBH - to be honest
TY/TYVM/TYSM - Thank you (so much, very much...)
UPC - Ultra party coin
VCS - Volk shoes slotted
WB - Welcome back
W.Coin - White Coin
WOL - Warrior of Light
WTS - Wanting to sell
WTB - Wanting to buy
WTF - What the "fudge"
Xtal - Crysta
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Here's a list of Iruna Online slanguage. Let me know of anything I should add/edit Absolute Accuracy - Critical accuracyAbsolute Evasion - Evasion to critical attacksAFAIK - As far as I knowAFK - away from keyboard, used when one isn't looking at their device for a period of timeAilment R - Resistance to becoming paralyzed, poisoned, blinded, etc.AOE - Area of effectAR - Arrow RainAS - AutoskillASL - Age, sex, location. Something creeps askASPD - Attack speedATK - AttackATM - at the momentB - BuyingBarrier - The defense of a monster/boss that can not be penetrated unless hit by a certain minimum amount of damageB.Coin - Black CoinBC - Boss ColonBCF - Black coral fragmentBEH - Bunny Ear HatBF - boyfriendBK - Beast knightBRB - (I'll) be right backBRT - (I'll) be right thereBS - Backstab or b*******Buff - A skill that enhances a player's performance such as Warcry or BlessBW - Baum WarriorCast Defense - the defense of a player when casting a spellCMIIW - Chop me if I'm wrong o.oCSPD - Casting speedD - DefenseDA - Double AttackDC - disconnected, usually used when a player reconnects to the game after losing a signalDCS - Dodge Charm SlotDEF - Defense, reduces damageDM - Desperate Move, a ninja skillDMG - DamageDoC - Dance of Clones, a ninja skillDPR - Dark Priest RobeDPS - Damage per secondDunno - Don't knowEVA/AVD - Evasion or avoidance. Dodges normal attacksFarming - When a user grinds a monster for a drop/expFC - force close (used when the app closes)FG - False GreciaFoC - Feather of CourageFTW - for the winG2G/GTG - (I've) got to goGF - girlfriendGM - Guild master or good morningGN - Good nightGPC - Google Play CardHate - The likeliness of a monster/boss targeting you as opposed to othersHIT - AccuracyHP - Health PointsHW - High WizardID - Item delay, the time after consuming an item that affects you until you can consume another itemIDK - I don't knowIMO - in my opinionJBF - Jet-black featherJK - joking/just kiddingK - thousandKO - stun or knockoutLFG - Looking for guildLFM - Looking for party membersLFP - Looking for partyLMK - Let me know (when...)LOL - laugh out loudM - millionMagic Evasion - Evasion to magic attacksMagic Pierce - Magic attack is increased depending on the enemy's defenseMagic Power - Magic attack that ignores the enemy's defenseMATK - Magic attackMBO - Make best offerMDEF - Magic DefenseMelee - a close-range attackMezza - MezzalunaMMORPG - Mass Multiplayer Online Role-Playing GameMob - Monster or bossMOD - Memory of DarknessMOH - Memory of HeavenMOW - Memory of WarMP - Magic PointsMP Consumption - The amount of MP used for a skill to be usedMQ - Main quest/missionMSG - MessageNoob/n00b - new player, game noviceNPC - non-playable charactersNS - Non-slotted, no slotOBO - Or best offerOP - Over-powered or over-pricedOMW - on my wayPally - PaladinPC - Party coin or price checkPEE - Prophet Evil EyePhysical Pierce - Physical attack is increased depending on the enemy's defensePhysical Power - Physical attack that ignores the enemy's defense (excludes double attack)PLD - PaladinPM - private messagePOM - Piece of MapProc - the occasion of an autoskill triggeringProd - ProductionPT - PartyQC - Quick CoolRange - the distance between you and a monster in which you are able to attack itRange Cut - reduces the maximum distance between you and an enemy in which you are able to attack the enemyRate Cut - Reduces/Increases critical damage received.Rate Relief - Reduces the damage received when monsters/bosses generate an attack based on HP percentage.Recoil - Receive some of the damage you deal.RN - right nowReflect - Reflection of damage receivedRRS - Rose Ring SlotS - Slotted or sellingSB - Spellburst or SpellboostSD - Skill delay, the time after casting a spell that affects you until you can cast againSH - speed hackSin - AssassinSPC - Super party coinSQ - Special quest, scenario quest, or skill questSS - Screenshot SSPD - Skill speed, the rate at which a spell can be castTank - party member in charge of keeping a mob's aggression so others may attackTBH - to be honestTY/TYVM/TYSM - Thank you (so much, very much...)UPC - Ultra party coinVCS - Volk shoes slottedWB - Welcome backW.Coin - White CoinWOL - Warrior of LightWTS - Wanting to sellWTB - Wanting to buyWTF - What the "fudge"
Xtal - Crysta
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