who lives in my granparents house in scotland.She is the last of this branch of the family(my mothers youngest sister),and is now 92 years old.I had arrived the day before,and was in bed reading a book(not ghost stories,readers digest),my mind was as far from the supernatural as anything could be,when a really creepy feeling suddenly came over me,like there was someone in the room,i looked up expecting to see my aunt there in the room,but there was no one there.I couldn't shake off the feeling,and i finally put the book down,switched off the light and lay down to try and sleep,when almost immediately i heard my name,like a whisper in my ear,it was the most frightening experience i have ever had,and still gives me the creeps when i think about it.Up until this time i had never taken stuff like this seriously but this experience has certainly got my attention.I was so scared that i just lay there in bed frozen with fear for what seemed like a very long time,until i eventually plucked up the corage to open my eyes.I said,your scaring me,leave me alone,and the creepy feeling i had just simply vanished and i felt fine,but was actually scared to go back into my room the following night,I've since pulled myself together but have never had another contact,except one year when i was back visiting,the smoke alarm in the hallway went off around 3am,apart from that nothing else has happened.Several people,family members were born and died in that house,and every time i go back for a visit i keep wishing in a way that i'll have another contact.