A total of 61 independent samples from 58 articles met the inclusion
criteria. These articles are designated in the Reference section by an asterisk.
The total sample size included in the primary analyses ranged
from 12,853 to 112,834.
Genderwas coded as the percentage of male participants
from each sample. Parental status was coded as the percentage of parents
from each sample. It should be noted that the way in which these data
are presented varies somewhat from study to study. For example, some
studies report the percentage of the sample with children, some report the
percentage of the sample with children living at home, and some report
percentage of the sample with children living at home with children under
the age of 13. Marital status was coded as the percentage of married
participants in the sample. Work hours was coded as the average weekly
work hours of participants in the sample.
Meta-Analytic Effect Sizes Between Flexibility Variables and WIF
Note. IBM= International Business Machines; NSCW = National Study of the Changing
Workforce; QES = Quality of Employment Survey.