3. How to specify the features of beef marbling for
estimating the BMS No.
In the following, the aforementioned problems
will be examined in detail in terms of the grading
precision. The first problem is related to the task of
finding out whether the observation area is completely
contained in the interior of the cross-sectional
rib-eye or not. It is assumed that the picture
being used as the input has been manually taken
just before the visual inspection performed by the
graders. The earlier methods(e.g. Kurosawa and
Nakanishi, 1995 and Shiranita et al., 1996, 1997,
1998) can only be applied to the observation area
manually specified inside the outline of beef rib-eye
cross-section. However, the whole area of the beef
rib-eye cross-section should be considered, as the
graders evaluate beef marbling on the whole area.
In the case where the beef rib-eye cross-section is
completely contained within the observation area,
the beef rib-eye region should be automatically