This paper will strive to comprehend the practice of immersive reading through an understanding of phenomenology. More specifically, it will investigate the possibilities for immersive reading within two contrasting media namely the traditional book and the e-book. Consequently, it enlightens on the influences able to affect the quality of immersive reading, as immersive reading will be portrayed as a necessary practice within lifeworld experiences. In order to grasp the interactional relationship between the reader and medium, we will present the notion of being-in-the-world articulated by Heidegger and expanded on by Merleau-Ponty. The apparent technological promise of human prosperity will be questioned through an in-depth analysis of the e-book’s ability to supersede the traditional book. For this purpose we apply Albert Borgmann’s and Don Ihde’s reflections on technological presence, accompanied by the featured Human-Computer-Interaction. Furthermore, the project will reflect upon the historical contexts of both the traditional book and the e-book, to establish the framework for investigation.