in the program results report include sections on the evaluation design, the evaluation findings (divided into context, input, process, impact, effectiveness, sustainability, and tranSponabi/ity), and the evaluation conclusions (divided into strengths, weaknesses, lessons learned, and bottom-line assessment of the program ’8 merit. worth, and significance). Contrast the program's contributions with what was intended, what the beneficiaries needed, what the program cost, and how it compares with similar grograms elsewhere. At the end of each of the three reports, include photographs and graphic representations that help retell the report’s particular accounts. Supplement the main report contents, throughout, with pithy, pertinent quotations; a prologue recounting how the evaluation was initiated; an epilogue identifying needed further program and evaluation efforts; an executive summary; acknowledgements; information about the evaluators; and technical appendices containing such items as interview protocols, questionnaires, feedback workshop agendas, and an on-site evaluator’s handbook of, procedures.