The arts and entertainment are seen by the tourist industry as having
the potential to attract tourists. In some cases, for arts-core tourists,
they can be the sole or main attraction whereas in others, for artsperipheral
tourists, they are less important and may be amenities rather than attractions. The actual provision of arts and entertainment is, of course, largely left to that industry but the various parts of the tourism industry may be involved in several ways. Tourist boards and government may utilize and emphasize the arts and
entertainment in marketing a town or a country. Government, especially local, may encourage and financially support the arts because of the tourism-generating potential. More direct involvement may come from tour operators who put together inclusive tour packages of accommodation, theatre tickets and transport. The most direct connection is through hotels, which, apart from the inclusive tour involvement, often provide some form of live entertainment
The arts and entertainment are seen by the tourist industry as having
the potential to attract tourists. In some cases, for arts-core tourists,
they can be the sole or main attraction whereas in others, for artsperipheral
tourists, they are less important and may be amenities rather than attractions. The actual provision of arts and entertainment is, of course, largely left to that industry but the various parts of the tourism industry may be involved in several ways. Tourist boards and government may utilize and emphasize the arts and
entertainment in marketing a town or a country. Government, especially local, may encourage and financially support the arts because of the tourism-generating potential. More direct involvement may come from tour operators who put together inclusive tour packages of accommodation, theatre tickets and transport. The most direct connection is through hotels, which, apart from the inclusive tour involvement, often provide some form of live entertainment
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