The Lidbetters will drive you to Sydney where you will catch a domestic flight to Armidale on Sunday 3 July. I will forward you a copy of the flight ticket shortly. You have a checked in luggage weight limit of 23kg. Your new host family will meet you at Armidale airport and will drive you to their home. You will be able to enjoy two weeks term break with your new host family so that by the time you start your new school you will feel quite settled. This is an exciting opportunity for you and we hope you will enjoy experiencing a different family and school for you second semester. Now that your English is much better than when you arrived, and you have recently made efforts to socialise with your school mates, we are confident that you will find the move much easier than when you first arrived in Australia. Your new coordinator and your new host family will do everything possible to help you adjust but ultimately your happiness and success in your new family depends very much on you constantly working hard to have conversations with them and willingly join in their family activities. Please remember this and make sure you get off to a good start!
I am attaching the application form of your new host family. I ask you to contact your host mum, Lexie, in the next few days to introduce yourself and tell her a bit about your experience so far in Australia and ask her any questions you might have. Please also speak with Ali and Bev about the move as they will continue to be there for you and support you. Finally feel free to contact me about any questions or concerns you may have.
I have advised your sending organisation of the move so your parents may already know about this or will shortly be advised.
All the very best and make the most of your last month in Berry!