July, 2008, the European Panel Federation took a decision
to pass on 4 mg/100 g of particleboards (perforator
method), formaldehyde emission of the totality of the
European panel production, as from January, 2009. This
is equivalent to E 0.5 grade. Most suppliers and people are
concerned about how to reduce pollutants from building
materials and how to control indoor air quality. Replacing
UF with organic based resins such as lignin [2, 3], wattle
bark tannins [4–7], protein [8–10] and starch [11] is
one of the possible approaches to eliminate adverse
July, 2008, the European Panel Federation took a decisionto pass on 4 mg/100 g of particleboards (perforatormethod), formaldehyde emission of the totality of theEuropean panel production, as from January, 2009. Thisis equivalent to E 0.5 grade. Most suppliers and people areconcerned about how to reduce pollutants from buildingmaterials and how to control indoor air quality. ReplacingUF with organic based resins such as lignin [2, 3], wattlebark tannins [4–7], protein [8–10] and starch [11] isone of the possible approaches to eliminate adverse
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