The source EUI for these 21 buildings is given by the ratio of
their total source energy to their total floor area and is equal to
2980 MJ/m2 (263 kBtu/sf). It is equivalent to the area-weighted
mean EUI listed atthe bottom of Table 1 (see Ref.[9]). This mean EUI is also shown as the dashed red line in Fig. 1. The un-weighted (or
building-weighted) mean source EUI of 2830 MJ/m2
(249 kBtu/sf) is
also listed at the bottom of Table 1. This un-weighted mean is easy
to calculate but, unlike the area-weighted mean, is not related to
the total source energy consumed by the set of buildings. The fact
that the area-weighted mean is 6% higher than the un-weighted
mean reflects the fact that larger buildings tend to have higher EUI
than do smaller buildings. Fig. 1 shows that seven buildings (all Silver or Certified) have source EUI above the mean while 14 buildings
(including all Gold) have EUI below the mean