2.2 Quarterly and Annual Reports: The Recipient shall submit Quarterly and Annual Progress Reports, describing major Activity results towards achieving expected results, success stories, any problems encountered, and plans for the following quarter and year. The Recipient shall submit one copy of a performance report to the AOR, and one copy to the USAID Agreement Officer. The performance reports are required to be submitted quarterly, due 30 days after the reporting period and shall contain the following information:
a. Details of current progress achieved towards objectives, keyed to project indicators;
b. Problems addressed / deliverables completed to date;
c. Management and personnel changes;
d. Problems encountered, if any and reasons why established goals were not met, if appropriate, and how challenges or problems will be overcome during the next reporting period;
e. A comparison of actual expenditures with budget estimates, including analysis and explanation of cost overruns or high unit costs, and any other pertinent information as may be applicable;
f. Priorities for programming during the next reporting period; and,
g. Success stories.