problems were actually asking of some band-aid solution something that patches leaks as the PN i'm in a real sense for doing nothing more than greening single leaves on dying trees that's the purpose technology council biological problems systemic problems that can only solve the mechanical details those problems and the problem a bit min deficiency in the third world dose not come down to lack a bit like the food is an active good distribution 78 the senate undernourished children live in countries where there's actually food surplus said GM is not the answer free distribution is the answer,Rocky mountain institute is a 19-year-ole a public charity in the ole snow mass color a do went on the webinar my doughtier largely we have a bout 50 people of staring the efficient and restorative use i'll resources both natural and human capital to help make the world more secure and prosperous e life sustaining corporate America ID the biggest business we've ever known in our history have come to dominate politics to such an extent that no decisions can be made which in any way undermine their entrance there are some irresponsible corporations and i think they will actually be out of business because they're spending too much money making