• Organization owns the sensitive data and authorizes the
DLD provider to inspect the network traffic from the
organizational networks for anomalies, namely inadvertent
data leak. However, the organization does not want
to directly reveal the sensitive data to the provider.
• DLD provider inspects the network traffic for potential
data leaks. The inspection can be performed offline without
causing any real-time delay in routing the packets.
However, the DLD provider may attempt to gain knowledge
about the sensitive data.
We describe the security and privacy goals in
Section II-A and Section II-B.
A. Security Goal and Threat Model
We categorize three causes for sensitive data to appear on
the outbound traffic of an organization, including the legitimate
data use by the employees.
• Case I Inadvertent data leak: The sensitive data
is accidentally leaked in the outbound traffic by a
legitimate user. This paper focuses on detecting this
type of accidental data leaks over supervised network
channels. Inadvertent data leak may be due to human
errors such as forgetting to use encryption, carelessly forwarding
an internal email and attachments to outsiders,