The group technology centre at USA introduced the Squeeze casting process in 1967. First they
produced prototype car wheels and then extended for engine piston manufacturing. There are also some
investigations carried out at Russia, Germany and Japan.
In recent years, Squeeze casting has found production applications for Aluminium alloys and
metal-matrix composites. In 1983, Toyota used Squeeze cast fiber reinforced aluminium pistons for high
speed diesel engines and car wheels. The Squeeze casting technique is still in the experimental stage in
India. With rapid expansion of automotive and aerospace sectors, the demand for superior engineering
components is expected to increase in course of time and Squeeze casting technology has the potential
and it will play an important role to improve the quality of engineering products. The materials like steel,
cast iron are replaced by the cost efficient aluminium, particularly in the field of automotive components
such as brake discs, pistons, aircraft parts, engine cylinder blocks and in structural components.