In Nigeria crimes on social networks were never taken
seriously until the Nigerian Police brought to public the case
of 24 years old Cynthia Osokogwu who was lured to Lagos
on 22nd July, 2012 for a supposedly business visit by two
male friends she met on Facebook via Blackberry Chat; Okwuoma
Nwabufo and Ezekiel Olisa. Their intentions were to
drug and rob her of her money. At the hotel, the young men
served Cynthia some fruit drink laced with Rohnypnol—a
sedative drug. Abulude (2012) reporting on www.allafrica.
com states that ‘Nwabufo and Olisa allegedly pounced on the
still conscious Miss. Osokogu, who, realizing the trap she had
walked into, reportedly resisted her assailants even in her state
of half stupor. Taken aback by this, Nwabufo and Olisa
allegedly snuffed life out of their victimby strangling her. The
two undergraduates allegedly stripped Miss. Osokogu of her
valuables and reportedly fled the scene (1). The culprits were
later arrested and are currently facing trial for murder in court.
The ‘CynthiaOsokogu incident’ has since served as a wakeup
call to Nigerians on the dangers which can arise from the
abuse of social networks.