Copenhagen has been a pioneer city in terms of recognizing the social value of pedestrian paths, starting in 1962 when the main street, Strøget, was pedestrianized (Mega 2000). This trend continued over the following 30 years.
Boasting incredible bicycle transport rates, Copenhagen has a sophisticated network that was likely already Europe’s best in the 1980’s (Næss et al. 2011). In Copenhagen, 35% of all transport trips are made by bicycle, and currently 90% of all Copenhagers own a bicycle (Mega 2000). 37% make their daily commute by bike, which is up from 30% in 1996 (Troy 2012). The amount of people who use bicycling as a mode of transportation in the city is due to a variety of factors, however 54% of Copenhagers said in a 2006 survey that they ride because its both easy and fast (Troy 2012). In other words, cycling is popular in Copenhagen largely because of good city planning.
The city of Copenhagen invests 20-25% of its road budget ($10 million annually) into bicycling infrastructure. The city has 246 miles of combined cycle tracks, lanes and greenways, giving cyclists plenty of prioritized room to ride. It has about 35,000 bike-parking spaces along roads, increasing convenience and reducing the hassle of bike parking. Meanwhile, downtown parking policies have eliminated 2-3% of car parking spaces annually for decades (Mega 2000). Furthermore, innovations such as the “green wave” give priority to cyclists, where the traffic lights along many major arteries are synchronized during rush hour for the benefit of cyclists (Troy 2012). “Pre-green” signalization and designated spaces for cyclists to wait between intersections and car stop lines (which have been pushed back 15 feet at 120 different intersections) not only give preference to cyclists, but give them a head start to ensure fast and safe commuting (Troy 2012). Additionally, the public transport system is designed to complement cycling, with bike-friendly rooms on trains and parking facilities in metro stations (Troy 2012). Not only does Copenhagen boast a high bicycle mode share, but it does so year-round, keeping 80% of it’s cycling population throughout the cold winter (Troy 2012). In the winter months, bike lanes get priority for both clearing and salting (Troy 2012).
In addition to incentivizing bicycle transport through the ease and safety of travel, driving a car is actively discouraged. Though car ownership in Copenhagen has traditionally been considerably lower than in other Nordic capital regions, it has increased significantly in the last 15 years, reaching 50% in 2008 (Næss et al. 2011). Both municipal and national governments are working against this through an imposed 180% tax on car sales, high gas prices ($10 per gallon), and expensive and scarce (2-3% of parking spaces are eliminated annually) parking (Troy 2012; Mega 2000).
Lessons Learned
The city of Copenhagen represents a very unique case study in terms of both its cultural and political history. Indeed, cycling has been a part of Danish culture for over a hundred years, and more than 20% of the Danish population lives in Copenhagen; however, the urban sustainability of the city is also largely as a result of early and smart planning. Copenhagen, like cities in North America, has also experienced the “car invasion” of the 1950’s, however they were able to foresee the potential problems and implement policies to mitigate these before car usage overwhelmed the city. The lesson learned from Copenhagen is the power of good city planning, and this lesson can be applied anywhere, including Montreal. Alterations to the planning for public and active transportation in the city need to be a priority for city planners and politicians. However, it is important to keep in mind that making sustainable lifestyles an accessible option is only half the battle, and there is much to be done to address the culture and mindset that influences people’s individual choices.
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