Hi my beautiful Queen Lah,
Good morning, I am so much glad with your response to me. I was very much excited and comfortable reading the mails that you sent to me and I welcomed every of your thoughts and speeches in the mails, and I am look forward to meet you as soon as I finish my assignment here at least we can see each other face to face and have a solid discussion for our marriage and future plans.
Sure I understood all you said concerning your character and I want you to understand that I am not perfect too and I am not looking for Ms perfection either cause I believe only God is perfect.
Honestly I really want to hear your adoring voice no matter how bad your English speaks is. And I want to assure you that I will teach you English once I visit you and you will teach me your language too, therefore I would like to have your correct phone number? Here my mobile number just dial +16572123401
In reference of response;
I realized since we start to be serious in our relationship, we will start to face many difficulties and barriers between us mostly in language, accent and culture as we know that we are from different countries and also we are far from each other therefore it’s not easy for both of us to face it however if you and I are ready to face the difficulties and barriers together hand in hand, I am very sure our love will continue growing with passion, love, and understanding and it will be a happy ending like the love story of the princess and prince, Wishes and hope to be with you soon cause I believe that we are two lonely hearts that find each other on the long and difficult road of life. I hope we can live together to arrange our amazing life and make our dreams come true.
Again I believe and trust you so much, you will never hurt me, and you will always make me happy as I will make you happy too. I don’t ask much from you, I just want you make me always smile in facing life together with you. It would be so great to grow old with your partner who is also your best friend - always wishing the best for each other and cheering each other on to achieve a common goal or each partner's individual goal.