Dear Students,
In argumentation, a controversial subject or issue is discussed or debated. The first step in discussion is to think about the topic, research it, and then take a position based on your research and your own assumptions.
Framing your argument using the Statement Example and Ilustration is one format to verbalize your position... As discussed briefly in class, the Assertion, Reason, and Example is another format.
Homework due Thursday October 8, by 2pm, under my door, C-144. Write three different arguments based on your opinion and research on the following topic:
Gender roles are a learned behavior, the mainstream media portraits both strong and weak women and men in specific characters and psychological ways. Additionally, a person's culture and ethnicity influence gender roles, Asian gender roles are more egalitarian in philosophy than in practice. Gender is a choice not biology.
HAVE Fun with this one..
Remember write three arguments either agreeing or disagreeing... thus take the same position but give different arguments.. Do not give two position or one negative arguments on the same issue.
Follow the instructions on how to write these arguments from you previous worksheet. Do it right this time.