'- At wastewater treatment plant area it was found that open electrical cable was closed with tape only. It was said as non-active however there was no clear verification and status at the point.
- Electrical cord of equipment at hot work area was taped only. It was said that this was no longer used, however there was no status to prevent from use.
- Electrical control panel at fleet workshop area and filling line 3 were found open which may cause unauthorised persons get electrical hazards and risks.
- Insulation capacity of 2 pairs of electrical PPE (handgloves, manufactured in 2005 and 2006) at Engineering workshop, was not tested every max. 12 months as per instruction from manufacturer.
- Plastic covers of electrical plugs found at hot work workshop and meeting room were not removed while the plugs have been used. The plastic covers may be burnt when there was spark from the plug and may spread fire.
- Electrical cord of lamp for warehouse was found ran on the floor in front of Warehouse office, on the 2nd level of Product stock area. This could cause trip and fall hazard as well as electrical hazards.
'- Some combustible materials were found at hot work shop i.e. plastic chairs and papers which may be burnt caused by sparks from welding activity, and may cause fire hazards.
'- Smoke detectors and/or heat detectors were not provided for palletizing area, laboratory room, preform storage, kitchen and offices (except Finance Department); this is not in line with ES-RQ-140 clause 4.1. The areas were observed had combustible materials such as papers of packaging, flammable gas (e.g. LPG at kitchen), and plastic sheets, and all areas had electrical equipment including plugs that may create sparks and initiate fire.
Risk assessment was considered not sufficiently performed, e.g. risk assesment of office area did not cover the potential fire such as from the electrical plugs and electronic office equipment, and combustible materials (e.g. papers).
Noted that there were workers at all time at Production lines, Laboratory, Palletizer area to also monitor potential of fire. Offices were monitored by Secutiy persons all time. Fire extinguishers and hydrants as fire fighting equipment, which were sufficiently inspected on monthly basis (internal) and quarterly basis (3rd party, expert).
'- Calibration of ammonia detector installed at ammonia compressor, was not proven performed on yearly basis as per requirement of ES-RQ-190. Instruction from supplier/manufacturer, record and information given were limited to setting and test of reading only, among others by using ammonia liquid and read the value detected. The setting and test were done by internal employee, and did not used a standard method and equipment for calibration. The ammonia detector has been installed at the area since 2 years ago.
- Inspection date of Oxygen gas cylinders (total 3 cylinders) used and stored for welding activity at Hot Work workshop has been rubbed off and could not be recognised by workers to ensure that the cylinders were in good condition and safe to be used. Requirement of ES-RQ-100 requires to inspect the integrity of the gas cylinders on 5-yearly basis.
'- Some combustible materials were found at hot work shop i.e. plastic chairs and papers which may be burnt caused by sparks from welding activity, and may cause fire hazards.