Hajime arrives next to Yue in an instant with this skill and gently dodged the bullets of light.
Eventually, Yue finished sucking his blood and completely regained her powers.
“Yue, when I give the signal, cast “Azure Sky”. Until then, put your heart and soul into evading.
“Okay...and Hajime?”
“Me, spadework.”
Hajime dropped Yue off behind the pillars and ran towards the silver head.
He dodges the incoming barrage of light and fires off Donner while using “Flicker”. The beast wasn’t able to stomach being hit again by the bullet so it dodged them. Bullets from Donner end up making holes in the ceiling.
Hajime kept changing the area he shot at, but all the bullets only made holes in the surroundings. A sneerful glint was in the silver head’s eyes. Yue was becoming uneasy but she believed in him. She waited for the signal to cast her spell.
He jumped into the air with “Air Walk” and fired off Donner. His delicate steps became possible which had not been possible in the match. Hajime jumped around in the air near the ceiling, dodging the barrage.