Once the structure of a neural network is set, further quanti-fication requires data. To obtain such, plants were reared in a growth chamber at two constant temperatures, 16 and 24 The temperatures were selected to give quite different devel-opment rates while avoiding stressful extremes. To ensure that genes on both pathways were active, data were collected under long-day conditions (16 h light and 8 h dark). For each temper-ature run, the eight genotypes were individually sown on the soil surface in square pots (8.9 by 7.2 cm, catalog no. 12-1350,Hummert Int., Earth City, MO) with nine replications for atotal of 72 pots. The potting soil was Fafard Mix no. 2 from Hummert International. Within each pot, single seeds were placed approximately 1 cm inside every corner. After germina- tion, plants were thinned to two per pot, almost always diago-nal to each other to minimize interplant effects. Lacking a fully functional FLC gene, Ler does not require vernalization.However, to help synchronize germination, the pots were placed in darkness at 4C for 72 h.