Dear all,
bad news: here is the answer of FGB editor, who did not send the paper for external review. I am very fed up with this kind of behaviour, so I send the following message back:
Dear Dr. Meyer,
thank you for your mail. I have followed on the FGB website the fate of the paper. It seems to me that you had trouble finding referees for
this manuscript, which I can understand as it combines the expertise in two widely different fields. Otherwise, taking two weeks to reach
this decision indicates poor editing job, in which case the paper should have been handled by a different editor. I am familiar with
publishing in FGB and I know that this paper is of sufficient quality and interest for the readership of FGB.
best regards
Prof. Philippe Silar
I got for the moment the following answer:
Dear Prof.Silar,
Thank you for your e-mail.
I have contacted the editor regarding your e-mail and asked her to contact you .
Please let me know if there is anything else I can help you with.
Bharathi Sims
Journal Manager
Global Journals Production
I am not optimistic, as I have never seen an editor back down even when in the wrong. I have also seen that she is an editor of Fungal Biology and Biotechnology. if our paper is not good for FGB, why is it good for FBB? I propose that we resubmit asap tp Mycoscience. I hope that the japanese mycologist are more open minded than the western ones!