In addition, median age was 15 years, baseline viral load 4.3 log10 copies/mL, and CD4 466 cells/mm3; no patients in either cohort were infected with Hepatitis B or C.
In cohort one, 23 patients were enrolled and 22 had follow-up through 48 weeks.54 DTG dose was weight based with patients $40 kg receiving 50 mg a day and patients between 30 and 40 kg receiving 35 mg a day. Nineteen patients in the cohort received the 50 mg dose while only four patients received the 35 mg dose. A viral load ,400 copies/mL was achieved in 73.9% (17/23) of patients at week 48; a viral load ,50 copies/mL was achieved by 60.9% (14/23) of patients. The median gain in CD4 cells was 84 cells/mm3.