Sufficiency economy is Philosophy At the Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej to able give have a stable existence and sustainable in the globalization and change. Localism is a key middle way philosophy at that point to the existence of the people at all levels to continue to the middle way. There is availability to handle the impact of the changes. Sufficiency as a balanced and sustainable lifestyle. To be able to live even in the highly competitive world of globalization.
The main navigation is localism. The first step must be based on principles of "self-reliance" is trying to achieve self-reliance. In each family there good management. Each family must know ourselves. Revenue-expenditure in their own families to maintain their is spending levels. Don't let is debt and recognizes the potential in myself in terms of the four factors in one level.The philosophy of sufficiency economy that he adjusted to give a definition of "3 Hoops 2 criteria.