nded Seohyun a wig, which she immediately recognise as the same one she wore to the ramen store last week. And another face mask. Except this one is made of cloth and can be securely tied with two small buckles at the back of the head to prevent any one accidentally or even deliberately pulling off the mask.
Wearing both will again, like at the ramen store, ensure her identity is not exposed. With the help of her superb fake accent of course.
And to her surprise, Jongin also handed her what appears to be a small ear-piece.
Seeing her curiosity, Jongin explained, "This is a high-tech monitoring earpiece. It can pick up even very tiny sounds and works over quite a long distance. Much better and clearer than the cheap audio pieces you get at music studios at KBS & MBC for example. When you wear this in your ear, hidden under the wig, I can hear you and your surroundings very well, and you can hear my instructions as well. This way, I can monitor you closely, and if you need help, just call me and I can come in quickly. This will ensure you safety is not compromised. Do take care of it though, it's very expensive and hard to get."
"Wow, Thank you very much, Jongin Oppa. You must have gone to great lengths to get this, I am never going to be able to repay you both for your help." Seohyun bowed very low, touched and happy to be getting so much help from the brothers.
- - -
Again, Seohyun was touched and immensely surprised at the lengths the brothers will go to help her. She had no idea of course, that all this was planned out long ago to seduce and corrupt her.
- - -
Jongin then handed her another bag and said, "Okay, this is what you will be wearing. You can choose what to wear actually. Once I explain the rules, you will know what I mean."
"Okay Oppa."
She took out the clothes from the bag and examined them. The first was a pair of tiny white shorts, tight and made of lycra, quite similar to the exercise shorts she wore in the gym. A set of black, scandalously-sexy bikini bra top and matching G-string, cut very tight and small and held together with thin strings. And lastly, a strapless, tube-top baby doll dress. It was made of a very thin black material, which meant it was just slightly transparent, and very tight around the bust area, with beautiful lace designs around the chest and hemline. Just below the bust,it flared out a little, a bit like a skirt, and reaching just about below the butt. It seems quite similar to lingerie, because of the flimsy and light material.
Just as she is examining the clothes, Jongin then handed her a piece of paper, filled with a list of things. As she went through the list, she saw that they were all common and fairly cheap items easily found in most mini-marts. Like, a tube of toothpaste, a candy bar, a cup ramen, a ball-point pen, a can of beer etc. There were 20 common and small items on the list.
"Let me explain the rules, okay?" Jongin said once she finish going through the list and clothes.
- - -
Rules of the game.
- Seohyun is to enter the mini-mart and search and buy as many items from the list as possible. Each item is worth 30 seconds, so if she were to buy 2 items, it will be worth 1 minute, 3 items for 1 minute 30 seconds and so on. Should she be able to buy all the items, she will also earn a bonus 5 minutes on top of the 10 minutes earned from the 20 items, for a grand total of 15 minutes.
- She is given exactly 30,000 won ( 3 X 10,000 won notes ), and she can only spend this money. Meaning if she wants to buy more items, she must look for cheaper items. But each item type can only be bought once, no repeating is allowed, so she cannot buy 2 cup ramen of different brands and price for example. She is not allowed to bring the list along, and must buy from memory.
- She can earn bonus time based on what she chooses to wear during her mission.
Tube top and shorts with bra and G-string = no bonus
No shorts = 2 minutes bonus
No tube top = 3 minute bonus
No bra = 4 minute bonus
No G-string & no shorts = 10 minute bonus
Just the tube top = 16 minutes
- Finally, she can earn bonus time based on how she pays for the items. She can pay normally and get no bonus. Or she can place the money on one part of her body and get the mini-mart staff to take the money from her. She will not be allowed to touch the money when paying, and how much bonus will depend on where it is placed.
On her bra = 2 minutes
On the back of her shorts = 1 minute
On her cleavage if she has no bra = 3 minutes
On the back of her G-sting if she has no shorts = 5 minutes
On the front of her G-string if she has no shorts = 8 minutes
- There is no time limit, she can take as long as she wants to find and buy everything. But should she ask for help and Jongin goes in to rescue her, or should she come back into the car once she goes out; the game will end. Whatever items she has at that time will be final, she is not allowed to try again.
- She will wear the wig and