Attention is a component of the working memory system, and is responsible for protecting task-relevant
information from interference. Cognitive performance (particularly outside of the laboratory) is often plagued
by interference, and the source of this interference, either external or internal, might influence the
expression of individual differences in attentional ability. By definition, external attention (also described
as ‘‘selective attention’’) protects working memory against sensorial distractors of all kinds, while
internal attention (also called ‘‘inhibition’’) protects working memory against emotional impulses, irrelevant
information from memory, and automatically-generated responses. At present, it is unclear if these
two types of attention are expressed independently in non-human animals, and how they might differentially
impact performance on other cognitive processes, such as learning. By using a diverse battery of
four attention tests (with varying levels of internal and external sources of interference)
Attention is a component of the working memory system, and is responsible for protecting task-relevantinformation from interference. Cognitive performance (particularly outside of the laboratory) is often plaguedby interference, and the source of this interference, either external or internal, might influence theexpression of individual differences in attentional ability. By definition, external attention (also describedas ‘‘selective attention’’) protects working memory against sensorial distractors of all kinds, whileinternal attention (also called ‘‘inhibition’’) protects working memory against emotional impulses, irrelevantinformation from memory, and automatically-generated responses. At present, it is unclear if thesetwo types of attention are expressed independently in non-human animals, and how they might differentiallyimpact performance on other cognitive processes, such as learning. By using a diverse battery offour attention tests (with varying levels of internal and external sources of interference)
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