how lucky i am to have you in my life, smart, funny, a cutie bunny and never fails to cheer me up *although it takes time* whenever im feeling down, for being a thoughtful, generous and wonderful boyfriend, and most importantly, you never ever give up on me, on us. you Dick Cheney, for being the awesomest boyfriend and best friend, i love you today, i love you tomorrow and i will always love you. :*
how lucky i am to have you in my life, smart, funny, a cutie bunny and never fails to cheer me up *although it takes time* whenever im feeling down, for being a thoughtful, generous and wonderful boyfriend, and most importantly, you never ever give up on me, on us. you Dick Cheney, for being the awesomest boyfriend and best friend, i love you today, i love you tomorrow and i will always love you. :*
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