The objective of this study have potential of carbon accumulation in biomass
the primary and secondary mixed deciduous forests in namko district phetchabun province. simple random sampling all plants haer diameter size 4.5 centimeter wp. and 1.3 meters altitude.
the study revealed that mixed primary forest have indexes 5 plants bauhinia racemosa sp milietta utilis Dunn Marietta xylocarpa Miq unknow spl and Shorea siamensis mig saplingsb example milletta xylocaepq Miq Boesembergia ceiba L dacryodes costata benn II.J.Lam pterolbium integrum craib and byttneria godefroyana kuntze. mixed secondary forest have index 5 plants milietta utilriff and is Dunn milletta xylocarpq miq bauhinia racemosa sp diospyeos mollis Griff and Capparis pyrifolla Lamk. Saplings example. Unknow spl, Adinaadar integrrima T, Cratotoxylum formosun Jack Dyer and Millettia xylocarpq Miq. Meet that Secondary forest the effectiveness of combon accumulation in binmass the highest primary foresis.