Schizophrenia is characterized by a profound disruptive psychopathology which involves thought, perception, emotion, and behavior. Schizophrenia is a common and serious neurobiological illness that affects 1% of people globally (Mohr, 2009). But the National Survey of Prevalence of Mental Disorders in Egypt reported that Psychotic disorders were estimated at 0.19% (Ghanem et al., 2009) (Badli et al., 2008). The symptoms of schizophrenia are conventionally divided into positive (new symptoms or signs) and negative (loss of a previous function): positive characteristics include delusions and hallucinations. Negative characteristics are ones that are lacking such as lack of speech (Alogia), lack of Goal- directed behavior (Avolition), lack of feelings (affective flattening or blunting) and lack of happiness or pleasure (Anhedonia) (Boyd, 2002; Semple et al., 2005 and Gaber, 2013). Since the introduction by Esquirol in 1832 of the term hallucination into