Fig. 3A, Colonization of watermelon seed (‘Sugar Baby’) by wild-type Acidovorax
citrulli (AAC00-1), AAC00-1hrcC (nonpathogenic hrcC mutant), or AAC00-
1hrcCcomp (complemented hrcC mutant) during the first 96 h of seed germination.
The experiment was conducted three times and each data point represents the
mean of the three experiments (n = 5 seed). Lines represent the standard error of
the mean. B, Bar chart of area under population dynamics curve (AUPDC) calculated
for seed infiltrated with 103 CFU of AAC00-1, AAC00-1hrcC, or AAC00-
1hrcCcomp and germinated for 96 h. Bars represent mean AUPDC and lines
indicate standard error of the means. Treatments with similar letters are not significantly
different according to Tukey-Kramer’s honestly significant difference.
Fig. 3A, Colonization of watermelon seed (‘Sugar Baby’) by wild-type Acidovoraxcitrulli (AAC00-1), AAC00-1hrcC (nonpathogenic hrcC mutant), or AAC00-1hrcCcomp (complemented hrcC mutant) during the first 96 h of seed germination.The experiment was conducted three times and each data point represents themean of the three experiments (n = 5 seed). Lines represent the standard error ofthe mean. B, Bar chart of area under population dynamics curve (AUPDC) calculatedfor seed infiltrated with 103 CFU of AAC00-1, AAC00-1hrcC, or AAC00-1hrcCcomp and germinated for 96 h. Bars represent mean AUPDC and linesindicate standard error of the means. Treatments with similar letters are not significantlydifferent according to Tukey-Kramer’s honestly significant difference.
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