Core Test
Core Saturation: A schematic diagram of core saturation
used in this study was shown in Fig. (2). Before each
run, the core sample was dried in a Memmert Universal
Oven at 100°C for overnight. The core sample was prepared
for installation in the core-holder. A vacuum was drawn on
the core sample for several hours to remove all air from the
core. The core was saturated with formation water at room
temperature. After the appearance of formation water at the
outlet flooding was continued long enough to ensure 100%
Flooding Experiment: As shown in Fig. (1), the system
consisting of the core holder assembly placed inside the oven
and transfer cell containing sea water was then placed inside
the water bath and heated to the desired temperature of the
run. The required confining pressure was then adjusted to be
approximately at double inlet pressure. A flooding run was