Why Mind-Sets Are Key over time, you learn that each of us has learned what is and isn't possible. Yet each person seems to produce different results. Why? It's not what happens to us that counts. It's what we believe to be true about what happens. It's the actions we take a result of what happens. One person a leg in an accident and as leg left. Another person loses a leg in an becomes that she at least has one bitter. The same event leads to two accident and spends the rest of her life being different conclusions in two different people. This tells us that our beliefs and atti tudes, which have conditioned us powerfully, vary widely from person to person. This variance about what we believe we can and cannot do is subtle, but easily measured in the classroom. When translated into teacher expectations of student performance, these beliefs can dramatically affect behavior. When you believe your students will do better, they usually do. objective teachers. He are some As teachers, we are all biased. There are no common subjective biases, which have a powerful effect on student performance