28. The game of croquet was probably invented in France. In the thirteenth century French villagers played something they called "pailie-maille." From the the game traveled to Ireland, where they called it "crooky. In the mid-nineteenth century, som people in England began playing "croaky, It quickly became populat in many countries, from a the United States to India and Australia, b, the south coast of England to the north of Scotland one village to another d, the Middle Ages to our modern age. 29. In 1585, Sir Walter Raleigh tried to start the first English settlement in North America, but it was not successful. Many settlers became sick and others died of hunger or in battles with the Native Americans. When another ship from England arrived at the settlement a few years later, the newcomers tound th he settlement had grown. the settlers were not glad to see it all the settlers had died. d. all the settlers were healthy. 30. The one-cent coin in the United States has a picture of Abraham Lincoln ot Lincoln, the sixteenth president of the United States, was one of the country's greatest presidents. He came from a poor family, and as a young man, he had to work very hard. This was the reason why the government decided to put Lincoln's picture an the smallest coin. It would remind everyone that in America a. someone trom a poor family could become presiden b, someone from a poor family could never become president. most of the presidents have come from poor families. d. there have been no presidents from poor families. 31. Many people are afraid of going to the dentist There are a number of reasons for this fear. One reason is that the patient cannot see what the dentist is doing. Another reason is that the patient, who is lying back, may feel very helpless. People also may b influenced by the general belief that dentists cause pain and are therefore scary. And finally, many people like seeing the dentist's shiny instruments. b. do not like to brush their teeth very often. ate afraid of going to the doctor as well d. are afraid of the dentist's instruments. 32. The Japanese love eat raw fish. Dishes of uncooked fish, called sushi or sash to re prepared at most Japanese restaurants Japanese cooks many kinds of or shellfish for these dishes. Whateverkind of fish they use, however, it must always be very fresh. To prove that a fish is fresh, some restaurants will show the fish to customers a. and then cook it on a grill. b, when it is still alive. c. when it has been cooked. after they have eaten it