Seminar script
Por : Good afternoon lady and gentleman Welcome to the Seminar in science
My name is Wicharn Tirakot I’m studying in science major Faculty of education.
An : My name is Ketmanee Maha I’m studying in science major Faculty of education.
Por: It is an honor We both have a host for this seminar. The purpose of this seminar is to provide participants the opportunity to exchange knowledge. Experience and science process skills Matters to offer the following.
An : For seminar today with four topics including
1. polymer in medicine.
2. Peering into the darkness: modelling black holes in primary school.
3. Investigating the action of urease
4. Cracking the mystery of how our planet formed.
Por : For the first speaker will come to the knowledge on topic of polymer in medicine
On this occasion may I invite Mr.Sanchai Onhom to deliver a speech. Please clap your hand welcome Mr.sanchai.
summary of the contents
We invite participants to ask questions.
An : For the second speaker will come to the knowledge on topic of Peering into the darkness: modelling black holes in primary school
On this occasion may I invite Miss Anongnat Tongtub to deliver a speech
summary of the contents
We invite participants to ask questions.
Por : For the third speaker will come to the knowledge on topic of Investigating the action of urease
On this occasion may I invite Mr. Teerawat Boongun to deliver a speech
summary of the contents
We invite participants to ask questions.
An : For the forth speaker will come to the knowledge on topic of Cracking the mystery of how our planet formed
On this occasion may I invite Miss Pawinwan Wongsit to deliver a speech
summary of the contents
We invite participants to ask questions.
Por : Thank you for your participation I hope today’s seminar has given you knowledge, insight and information which can be used in a practical manner