The criminals will send junk mail using anonymous e-mail addresses they picked up from Yahoo, Hotmail, Myway, Netscape and other mail service providers. They might say that they represent a toppled African dictator, or a bank administering the estate of a rich expatriot who died in a "ghastly accident". Millions of dollars would be released when you forward your bank details along with current address and telephone number. They will say something like "Remember to keep this information top secret". They actually mean to say that they don't want you to mention their approach to the police or the writer! They like to call themselves doctor, barrister, pastor or engineer and often pretend to be women. They write in a laughable cod legal style and love to use words like "modalities" and "fiduciary". N.B. The fraudsters will often include a link to a news website with details of a plane crash or some other tragic event.