3.3. Screenshots
Upon the completion of the Microbiology application, it had been tested and was deemed as working
smoothly. The screenshots of application flow are as below.
Fig. 6 (a) shows the welcoming page before the users enter the homepage of the application. Fig. 7 (b) is the
homepage of the project. It contains the title of the Microbiology topic and three buttons which are the subtopics
of the subject. This page also contains quiz button for user to test their knowledge. User can click any subtopics
button they interested.
When a subtopic button, tools of biotechnology button, is clicked, the output will be seen as similarly shown
in Fig. 7 (a). There will be five subtopic buttons of Tools of technology and the home button to go to the
homepage. Some of the subtopic pages are shown in Fig. 7 (b) contains explanations and diagrams in a step by
step process with voice aided. The next button is to navigate to the next step. At the end of the lesson there will
be a concept map on the particular subtopics.
However, there are few weaknesses of this Microbiology application that was discovered. Some of the
biology terms may not be articulated well and clearly using Natural Reader software thus the pronunciations
might not be exact and fluent. The application was saved in .swf format which may require installation of certain
plug-in to run the application.