Dear Michael / Mr.Wang
We still dont know the exact situation of this case. This is created lot of trouble to everybody not only you.
We will keep you informed once got news from the banks. They just working today because yesterday is holiday. Can't promise anything.
Pat / Teeraporn
Sent from my iPhone
On May 3, 2559 BE, at 16:35, Michael Guo wrote:
Dear Teeraporn,
Hope all is well with you.
There has been couples of days since we last communication. I want to introduce the updates about the hacker things from our side. 163 company had accepted our application of accusation regarding
hacker’s email address and ceased its any related operation & behavior. I think they won’t bother your excellent company again. Meanwhile, I wonder if the payment already transferred back and in a safe condition.
Sincerely look forward to hearing you back soon.