Little disagreement exists concerning
the anatomy and function of the cauda equina (apart from anatomic variations
in which the cauda equina starts as
rostrally as T12 or as caudally as L3).
However, there is some variability with
regard to the definition of cauda equina
syndrome; one review identified 17
distinct definitions found in 105 papers
on the topic.
Because cauda equina syndrome is a
true neurologic and surgical emergency,
the definition should be broad enough
to prevent missing the diagnosis and the
chance for definitive therapy. Unfortunately,
no combination of symptoms
and examination findings is 100% sensitive,
and cauda equina syndrome is best
defined as a neurologic syndrome
caused by compression or infiltration of
the cauda equina. In most cases, however,
cauda equina syndrome is characterized
by low back or radiating lower
extremity pain in the presence of at least
one of the following:
Little disagreement exists concerningthe anatomy and function of the cauda equina (apart from anatomic variationsin which the cauda equina starts asrostrally as T12 or as caudally as L3).However, there is some variability withregard to the definition of cauda equinasyndrome; one review identified 17distinct definitions found in 105 paperson the topic.Because cauda equina syndrome is atrue neurologic and surgical emergency,the definition should be broad enoughto prevent missing the diagnosis and thechance for definitive therapy. Unfortunately,no combination of symptomsand examination findings is 100% sensitive,and cauda equina syndrome is bestdefined as a neurologic syndromecaused by compression or infiltration ofthe cauda equina. In most cases, however,cauda equina syndrome is characterizedby low back or radiating lowerextremity pain in the presence of at leastone of the following:
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