in the United States.The Coca-Cola Company’s structure has characteristics of both organic andmechanistic models. The organization has a more centralized structure, however inrecent years there has been a movement towards decentralization. A more in-depthanalysis of the organization’s structure will be discussed later.The Coca-Cola Company measures success in many ways. The Coca-Cola Companybelieves that if they analyze sales based on volume growth (gallons and unitssold), it is an indicator of trends at the consumer level (Annual Report,2006).The company obviously looks at profit as a way to measure success. Recently,The Coca-Cola Company has been focused on being a more responsible global citizen.The company has over 70 clean-water projects in countries all across the globe(McKay, 2007). Attached in the appendices is a performance chart that the companyuses to measure success in terms of people, portfolio, partners/planet, andpartners/profit