Company profile 2min.
To merge 2 plants into 1 without no productivity drop
To install equipment relocated from plant2 at plant1 (smaller and older than plant 2)
Construction job for installation equipment from plant2 and process flow simplification at limited area size
50 years old factory need renewal for safety and operation
To operate factory with not enough skilled staff moved from sold plant2
YBTH was unwillingly forced to sacrifice improvement of manufacturing efficiency under hard tasks above.
=> Internal revival plan used to be demanded strongly for long time !!
Target 2min.
Productivity improvement : Gap between plan and actual shall be not more than 5%.
Manufacturing CR : 5 % against 2013
Steps for improvement 3min.
1.1) To identify Grid and AMB assembly process as bottle neck
1.2) To focus on staff management as a main target for improvement
2.1) Establishment of simple KPI to monitor manufacturing cost
2.2 )To select items which affect manufacturing cost more.
Improvement activity 1 5min.
1) General improvement
1.2) To review ratio of subcontract worker to sustain skilled worker : 35% =>25%
=>Resulted stable number of skilled operators
=>Resulted operator to challenge higher target for the chance to be permanent staff
2) Productivity improvement in grid
1.1) Environmental improvement by spot cooler to sustain skilled worker to stay
1.3) Target and result monitoring for clear evaluation
1.4) Heat allowance only for team which achieved target
=>Resulted productivity ??% up