Although sunflower seed and barley grain have been evaluated as food ingredient in numerous studies, detailed information on the improvement of the nutritional profile of enriched products is rather scanty (Škrbić & Filipčev, 2008). Therefore, the objective of this paper was to produce a more detailed study on the nutritional quality of cookies, based on white (refined) and wholegrain wheat flour, and enriched with high-oleic sunflower seed and hull-less barley flour. More precisely, the aim was to determine and compare the content of main nutritional substances and minerals, including, trace and toxic elements, in supplemented and non-supplemented cookies. Additionally, textural and sensory attributes of cookies were observed and compared. Special attention was paid to the adequacy of the obtained products with regard to the dietary reference intakes (DRIs) for analysed nutritional components and to the provisional tolerable daily intakes (PTDIs) for studied toxic elements in order to estimate the potential risk arising from exposure to heavy elements.