The three sensed that they had no chance of winning, and attempted to make a disjoint getaway. Crowley’s sword cut into the back of one of the running men. Then, producing a knife out of his pocket, Crowley threw it, aiming for the neck of the man escaping in the opposite direction. The knife pierced through the curtain of the rain, flying in a perfectly straight line, to lodge into the man’s neck. The man died instantly.
That left only one.
The surviving man was the most skilled swordsman among the group. But he only ran for his life, escaping and not even trying to look back to see what became of his comrades. Like he didn’t even know that according to the doctrine of the Knights Templar, as long as a knight wasn’t outnumbered by more than 3 to 1, retreating was forbidden.
Crowley gave chase.