Fig. 4 presents the overview of the AHP method used in this study. Saaty (1980) developed the AHP, which is used in the MCDM process, through its hierarchy of constituent. The construction of a series of PCMs is the main part of the AHP that allows the comparison between the various criteria. The weighting and rating of each criteria and sub-criteria facilitates their evaluation and indicates their significance in achieving an objective. Groundwater quality can be influenced by residential, municipal, commercial, industrial, and agricultural activities. The Kerman plain has nitrate in its groundwater because of the intensive agricultural activities in this region. Whether certain aquifer locations are more likely to transmit pollution to allow the aquifers to run as a source of water for the plain should be determined. The correlation value of each method used in this study was obtained by Pearson correlation coefficient to determine the vulnerability of aquifer to nitrate concentration. The weights and rates were revised by using AHP to optimize the DRASTIC method. The development of a PCM is the main factor in the MCDM. A scale with values ranging from 1 to 9 was used in this method.