American style During the 1930s. and up until the 1950s. interest in New York fashions derived from Paris originals was strong, and led to a healthy mail order, paper twe pattern and magazine market on the West Coast. Hollywood helped to promote an all-American style and a prevailing, and continuing. preference for a certain type of tall, lean beauty and elegance. The movies and awards ceremonies remain an important source of information on fashion trends, During World War II, he lack of contact with Paris meant the fashion industry needed a new strategy it came to rely on its own creativity. Some talented European designers. tailors and manufacturers fled to the USA lor safety, where they were employed at the higher end of the market in fashion-starved New York and Hollywood. It was in the broader market, and especially in women's workwear, that the greatest innovations were made. The home-grown colion industry and the emphasis on work and sportswear dovetailed to bring about a casual and honed-down style of dress that proved to be the USA's strongest contribution to the garment industry. American machinery, fibre and fabric developers and low-cost mass-production techniques all ensured leadership in the new arena of casualwear and sportswear. This fresh style of fashion was truly indigenous and in tune with the spirit of the times.